Ressources en santé mentale

Comment bien soutenir la communauté 2ELGBTQIA+et lui offrir des espaces sûrs pour s’exprimer.
Un message de soutien, de validation et d’encouragement à la communauté 2ELGBTQIA+.
Un premier pas décisif pour améliorer votre santé! Si vous, ou une personne que vous connaissez...
La résilience est la capacité de se relever lorsqu’on tombe. Il s’agit d’une aptitude importante à...
Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, on fait tous face à plusieurs pressions. Que ce soit les demandes de...
La campagne vidéo, temps D'EN parler, a été conçue pour accroître la sensibilisation de l'importance...
Nous vivons tous et toutes une période de changement sans précédent. Si certains établissements de...
Cette page par Santé publique Ottawa fournit des ressources précises, fiables et à jour sur la COVID...
La santé mentale est un déterminant important de la santé globale. La santé mentale est un état de...
La situation de la COVID-19 peut causer beaucoup de stress. En cette période difficile, il est très...
-Services et ressources de santé mentale et usage de substances
-Maintenir une bonne santé mentale...
Les rendez-vous virtuels sont également appelés « appel vidéo » ou « vidéoconférence ». C’est un...
La Commission de la santé mentale du Canada, en collaboration avec l’Association canadienne pour la...
La Commission de la santé mentale du Canada, en collaboration avec l’Association canadienne pour la...
Le présent livret est destiné aux personnes qui ont dans leur vie une personne aux prises avec un...
Le trouble de la personnalité limite (TPL) est un problème de santé mentale grave, chronique et...
L’automutilation signifie que quelqu’un se blesse volontairement, mais sans avoir l’intention de...
Lorsqu’un proche reçoit un diagnostic de maladie mentale, vous ressentez beaucoup d’émotions.
L’arrivée d’un nouveau-né dans la famille peut être un véritable défi dans les meilleures conditions...
Nous sommes nombreux à avoir des petites habitudes qui nous donnent un sentiment de bienêtre, mais...
This sample workplan agreement is meant to provide a basis for conversation between an employee and...
Il n’est pas toujours facile de parler aux jeunes d’abus de substances ou de toxicomanie, mais à l...
Soutenir une victime de tentative de suicide peut être effrayant. Lorsque vous savez que quelqu'un a...
Cette ressource fournit de l’information utile au sujet des blessures de stress opérationnel (BSO).
L’application mobile Coach ESPT Canada peut vous aider à mieux connaître et à gérer les symptômes...
L’application mobile en Route vers la préparation mentale est un outil d'instruction mobile...
Le Programme d’aide aux membres des Forces canadiennes (PAMFC) est un partenariat entre le ministère...
Prendre soin de soi, c’est s’occuper de sa santé mentale, émotionnelle et physique.
Il est...
LGBTQ2S+ est un acronyme qui signifie Lesbiennes, Gais, Bisexuels, Transgenres, en Questionnement et...
Prendre quelques bonnes respirations profondes peut aider à relaxer ton corps et ton esprit. Le...
Le travail est important pour notre bien-être. En plus du revenu quil rapporte, notre travail est...
La santé mentale est essentielle à notre bien-être. On ne peut pas être vraiment en santé sans elle...
La perte est lun des évènements les plus stressants de la vie. Il faut du temps pour sen remettre...
Nous sommes tous en colère parfois. La plupart du temps, nous surmontons nos sentiments de colère ou...
Chaque jour, des messages de différentes sources nous bombardent et influencent nos sentiments sur...
Balances the two sides of your brain, the left and the right hemispheres. Good for when your brain...
This meditation puts you in the ‘neutral zone’ and gives you a sharp mind.
How to do it:
• Hold...
Clinical director of schizophrenia and recovery programs at The Royal, Dr. David Attwood is here to...
This is a simple exercise to help reduce anxiety and stress. You can use it anywhere - in the shower...
Feeling stressed? Anxious? Nervous? Try this simple breathing technique for 3 minutes. Learn more...
What is PTSD? Dr. Katie Bendell, a psychologist in The Royal's Operational Stress Injury (OSI)...
This quick video from our 2018 Leaders for Mental Health Breakfast event features Dr. Mathieu Dufour...
When a family member, friend or colleague dies by suicide, we are left with many questions. We often...
Best-selling author and internationally renowned expert Dr. Sue Johnson shares a ground-breaking...
As presented at our Conversations at The Royal on March 20, 2014 by speakers Karen James, Cynthia...
Dr. Andrew Wiens, Head, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry at The Royal, talks about behaviour issues...
Presented by Dr. Jakov Shlik, Clinical Director, Mood and Anxiety, and Operational Stress Injuries...
This session included information on the collaborative work being done between The Royal’s Sexual...
Opioid addiction is a large and growing problem affecting our community, especially our young people...
The 2014 attack in downtown Ottawa has deeply affected our city. We have a powerful desire to stay...
Our lecture 'Hope, Humanity and Empowerment: Strengths-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for...
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of the oldest treatments in psychiatry. It can be...
Comedian Rick Green and The Royal's Dr. Ahmed share their insights on ADHD in Adults.
Learn how to better understand the "automatic" thinking, coping behaviours, and social styles that...
Are you drinking TOO much? Alcohol is the most commonly used potentially addictive substance in our...
Is work good for health? This was a central theme of the Conversations at The Royal presentation...
With his newest endeavor "Stand Up Against Stigma" Tazz believes that it is time to educate, embrace...
Being an athlete requires not only physical strength and speed but also mental focus and the ability...
Many of us, over the course of our lives, may be exposed to potentially traumatic events, and some...
Men are supposed to be tough. They’re supposed to be able to handle everything on their own. Real...
Dr. Douglass is a psychiatrist and also a fully-qualified specialist in sleep disorders medicine...
Can the solution to treating long term mental illness be found in childhood? That’s the premise of...
This informative, thought-provoking, and humorous Father's Day conversation takes a broad look at...
Suicide and self-harm are important issues facing society. This 'Conversation' explains evidence...
Parent caregivers play a leading role in actualizing the health, well-being, and recovery goals of...
Mankind has been searching for happiness since the beginning of recorded history. As Pascal noted...
Mental illnesses are thought to result from the combined influence of genes and environment.
Dr. Abigail Ortiz, a psychiatrist at The Royal, uses physics and mathematics to help understand...
Research has shown that bipolar disorder among adults is associated with increased vascular risk...
Clients share how they use art as a wellness tool and the staff that support the use of art in...
Biomarkers have transformed modern medicine but remain largely elusive in psychiatry, partly because...
The Mental Health Act, and the mental health system itself, can be a cumbersome and daunting thing...
If an app could tell you someone was suicidal, how would you use it? Social media feeds are filled...
It's a non-pharmacological treatment for addressing behavioural symptoms associated with dementia....
It's a paradox: men have low rates of depression compared to women, yet they are four times more...
Are you looking for ways to address lack of awareness and support someone in seeking help even when...
People have stopped talking about it, but you're still feeling it. Life around you has gone back to...
More than ever before, Canadians play many different roles in their lives. They are workers, parents...
Take a short quiz to calculate your stress index and get a sense of whether you may have too many...
Here are some self help books about coping with anxiety that have been recommended by staff from our...
OSI Connect is a comprehensive learning and self-management tool to assist Canadian veterans and...
Do you want to play at your best? Are you game ready? You do drills; you practice; you scrimmage...
Life as a student can be stressful - assignments, part-time jobs, sports, clubs, relationships...
Anxiety disorders are prevalent, serious and persistent health problems affecting behaviour...
Mood disorders, including depression, are the most common mental disorders. One in four Canadians...
Gender Identity: I Want To Be Me was an open discussion of gender identity and mental health...
Clinical studies with volunteer participants are critical in helping researchers at The Royal to...
Stress hits us all, and our mental health has a lot to do with how well we deal with it. Some ways...